
September ZBox Marvelous

Got this box some time ago and yes it look like it be hulk smash by the hulk but i also found out that our local post office now send small parcel direct to your door step. This was good for me as i m always lazy to drive during my lunch time just to pick the box up at the local post office. Now back to this box, if you still haven't figure out yet the theme for the box it is marvel theme.

The first item in the box is an ice cube tray. I never own any design ice cube tray before so this is my first marvel ice cube tray. I don't know what i m going to say about an ice cube tray so i just skip to the next item in the box.

Next is the dorbz vinyl of a ghost rider from marvel series one set. I don't know much about dorbz figure except that almost all if not all of they figure have a smiling face to it.

Pop figure of scarlet witch from the latest captain america movie civil war. few month back i got bucky pop figure from ZBox and i was lucky of not getting the same figure again.

Next is the spider-man print. The size of the print is roughly about an A4 size and i think i might just frame this up when i got time but i have no idea who the artist who drew this and if only it is sign also that would be nice.

The T-shirt that come with the box. Never had any issue with the shirt so far and i love the shirt design.

Last item the ZBox magazine.

The box art and a quote that i don't know from where.

Again there was not much stuff in the box just like the last one but it is ok i guess. again the best item i got from this box has to be the shirt. The next box will be DC related stuff and mine should be arriving soon and hope the box is not beat up just like this.


August ZBox Invasion

This is actually a very late post as by the time i post this up i already receive my September ZBox which i will post it up on the blog.

First up is a doll of Durotan from the warcraft movie. I actually haven't watch the movie yet so i cant really say much about the character it self but the doll it self is not bad.

Next time in the box is a titan vinyl figure from the alien series. In the box they give you the alien with ripley and i have never own any titans vinyl figure so i don't know what to expect from them.

This is one of  the figure that i will never put on my bed side unless i want to scare my self early in the morning. It is the weeping angel bobble head from the doctor who series and i will stop there as to not spoil the series for who ever haven't watch the series.

This is the image of the shirt that came with the box again i got no complain on design.

The last item in the box is the ZBox magazine .

The box art this month as you might have already know from the shirt it self with the Quote that i'm not sure is from who.

Overall the box this time does not come with a lot of stuff but i say it is just ok. I always appreciate stuff from doctor who series even though it is the weeping angel that i hope does not come to life and also the alien series. The shirt i got no complain as i m always like getting a shirt from them but the only thing i m not sure of is the warcraft doll.

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