Toy con 2015 Brunei competition registration form

So the the 2015 toy con will be held in less than one week and to the people in Brunei and even the neighbouring country who plan to come down to Brunei to join the competition may download from the BHE facebook page or the direct link here. The form need to be submit on the actual day it self with the competition kit. Also they have an Instagram account “” so if you got an instagram account feel free to add them.


So where is the building that the even going to be held? Above is the Map taken from google Map or you can click here. In the map the building name is call youth center which is located at the capital city it self and it is opposite the royal ceremonial hall. It is also the same building where backpackers stay if they looking for a cheap hostel.

If you guy got question regarding the event feel free to go to they facebook page and PM them.


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